Welcome to Beekeeping the Natural Way using Oils and Herbs

Gentle Bees
Me and my gentle bees a 'few years ago. They know they are in good hands
and realize I believe that I am helping them locate to a new home!
Docile Bees
A small swarm of my bees, captured in the Spring, which ' landed' in the middle of a Bamboo plantation in my garden. After cutting them free, I placed them into a new hive.
NB: Notice the solitary bee on my hand (photo below), fanning it's wings
and dispersing a pheromone, signalling to other bees that the Queen bee is present!

As can be seen they were very docile and I received no stings.
The colony survived and all being well, will produce
surplus Honey for some years to come!

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Jeff Davies - 2018